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KEITH M GORDON and JOSEPH H HOWARD look at the Hastings-Bass principle in relation to the High Court decision in Futter
STEPHEN C HAGGETT reviews the tax and other issues that may arise when a deed of variation is used in estate planning
Aim to eradicate needless expense and litigation
ALAN BINNINGTON and RICHARD BROOKS contrast the taxation of foundations and trusts
JOHN WOOLLEY examines perpetuity periods and accumulation periods of spousal by-pass trusts
A trust established in 1994 in favour of the settlor’s minor unmarried son appears to have both possible beneficiaries and immediate beneficiaries
Ten years ago, a settlor set up a discretionary trust and an inter vivos settlement. It has now come to light that capital gains tax retirement relief and holdover claims were not made at that time.
'HMRC need to stop issuing anything about trust offices until this issue is resolved'
JOHN WOOLLEY explains how to make the most of the anti-avoidance rules for trusts
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