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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration


PAUL DUCKWORTH and JAMES TETLEY explain why a company’s claims for R&D relief need not be terminated
Test Claimants in the Franked Investment Income Group Litigation v CRC and another, Supreme Court
JD Wetherspoon plc v CRC, Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber)
TONY JENKINS considers the tax-efficient extraction of corporate profits for entrepreneurs
Tolley, £119.95; CCH, £107.95; Bloomsbury Professional, £45
SMEs would be able to opt in
Drachs Investments No 3 Ltd v Brightsea UK Ltd, Court of Appeal
'OTS must keep on top of small business issues'
An otherwise unconnected individual and a limited company own a newly built commercial building which they let out. They are registered as partners for VAT purposes
A trading company has substantial cash balances of about £300,000, share capital of £70,000 and a capital redemption reserve of £30,000. The shareholder/director wishes to extract £100,000 of the cash balance from the company
A H Field (Holdings) Ltd (TC1800)
First Nationwide v CRC, Court of Appeal
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