An overview of rollover relief.
We need to know why
The final sitting of the Public Bill Committee on Finance Bill 2016.
Research on mid-size companies’ experience of dealing with HMRC.
The treatment of surplus cash in a company.
Suppliers have issued invoices to an old company, but the new company has paid.
If capital allowances on a building were unclaimed, can the purchaser claim?
Between the lines; Kiwi trust; Germane point; Garage developer
Transfer of rented commercial building on bankruptcy of one of the partners.
When does a will trust start and what happens when assets are added?
Autumn statement; Finance Act; Lifetime ISA; VAT Appeals; Defaulters
Consultation on tax relief to encourage new exhibitions.
HMRC confirms that multiple buildings can qualify for status.
HMRC cancels its contract with Concentrix.
Special treatment on backing of theatricial productions superseded by tax relief.