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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration

Issue: Vol 161, Issue 4147

28 Feb 2008
Conversations with the Taxation tax hound
Flexible benefits schemes can incentivise employees and save tax and NICs. MICHAEL LAVAN and GRAHAM FARQUHAR explain how
ALLISON PLAGER takes a look at the latest software issues
Problems keeping clients records up to date? DUANE JACKSON explains some online possibilities
BRUCE SUTHERLAND takes another look at the information standard required by HMRC for share valuations
Have the latest tax proposals simply taken us back to a place where we were last year or has progess been made? FRANCESCA LAGERBERG makes some route-planning suggestions
Tax-efficient company restructuring
Dealing with a missed tax return-filing deadline
An HMRC enquiry into a cash-rich taxi driver
I would like to offer my sincere apologies to tax agents who encountered difficulties using Self Assessment Online on 31 January and 1 February.
The effects of tax liability when no liability has been certified for bank interest paid gross
Mike Truman's leader 'So long, farewell' seems unkind to some aggrieved non-domiciles.
New-style campaign of compliance interventions
PAYE process for students looks to improvements, and student loan deductions procedure to change
Nick Goulding, Andrew Hubbard and Vincent Oratore
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