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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration

Issue: Vol 155, Issue 4021

18 Aug 2005
GARRY HUGHES reviews the House of Lords' decision in MacDonald v Dextra.
PHILLIP HENWOOD of 4 Eyes Ltd provides VAT advice on property issues to the construction sector. A CHARITY DEDICATED to promotion of the performing arts is based in a large 1930s building, comprising...
Reviewed by REBECCA CAVE, director of Taxwriter Ltd;
DEAN WOOTTEN discusses the pros and cons of holding residential property in a self-invested personal pension. THE ABILITY TO hold residential property in a self-invested personal pension post 5 April...
Agony uncle RICHARD CURTIS wonders if men and women and same-sex couples can ever have a meaningful fiscal relationship without tax rearing its ugly head. THE TAXPAYER IN the recent case of PM v UK...
RICHARD CURTIS reviews a recent Commons' committee report.

ZAFAR REZVI considers the impact of compliance with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 on tax investigations.

JOHN ENDACOTT considers pension planning both before and after A day. TONY BLAIR FAMOUSLY referred to 'education, education, education'. For this third Labour administration, the phrase 'pensions,...

Correspondence from readers on topical subjects.

Going Dutch

I refer to the article by Richard Curtis, 'Shelling out' (Taxation 28 July 2005, page 430).

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