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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration

Issue: Vol 155, Issue 4014

30 Jun 2005
GEOFF HADDOW and PHILIP GREENFIELD of PricewaterhouseCoopers Tax Knowledge and Innovation Team comment on the challenges faced by all types of tax practitioner in collecting and communicating tax...
JOHN JEFFREY-COOK offers some answers. Some of the questions I am asked as an editor recur frequently. I am reminded of Rudyard Kipling's poem in 'The Elephant's Child' (1902): I keep six honest...

MIKE TRUMAN looks at the High Court judgment in Small (HMIT) v Mars UK Ltd, and asks what it means for the Distillers case.

JOHN BURNETT, now of Stephens & Scown, but MP for Torridge and West Devon until the last general election, considers the legislative processes for taxation.

ALLISON PLAGER reports the Finance Bill's progress in the House of Commons.

Correspondence from readers. POAT & insurance I refer to the article by John Woolley entitled 'Still Uncertain' in the issue dated 19 May 2005. I have queried the subject of pre-18 March 1986 regular...
LexisNexis conference — Tax planning for pre-owned assets 23 February 2005. Conference reported by Keith Gordon MA (Oxon), ACA, CTA, Barrister Speakers quoted:Jeremy Woolf, Barrister, Pump Court Tax...
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