GEOFF HADDOW and PHILIP GREENFIELD of PricewaterhouseCoopers Tax Knowledge and Innovation Team comment on the challenges faced by all types of tax practitioner in collecting and communicating tax...
JOHN JEFFREY-COOK offers some answers.
Some of the questions I am asked as an editor recur frequently. I am reminded of Rudyard Kipling's poem in 'The Elephant's Child' (1902):
I keep six honest...
JOHN BURNETT, now of Stephens & Scown, but MP for Torridge and West Devon until the last general election, considers the legislative processes for taxation.
Correspondence from readers.
POAT & insurance
I refer to the article by John Woolley entitled 'Still Uncertain' in the issue dated 19 May 2005.
I have queried the subject of pre-18 March 1986 regular...
LexisNexis conference — Tax planning for pre-owned assets 23 February 2005. Conference reported by Keith Gordon MA (Oxon), ACA, CTA, Barrister
Speakers quoted:Jeremy Woolf, Barrister, Pump Court Tax...