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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration
Issue : Vol 184, Issue 4702

Issue : Vol 184, Issue 4702

1 Jul 2019
Fitting legal interpretation into the tax gap
Up the garden path?
Focus on eligibility
Construction expenses
HMRC prioritiesI refer to Andrew Hubbard’s interview with Joanna Rowland (Taxation, 16 May 2019, page 18). Her comments show a complete misunderstanding of the time that it is taking to deal...
AIA and furnished holiday lettings
VAT on stand hire at overseas exhibition
Trading stock items that are taken for personal use
Director dispute over dividend distribution
Family companyApportioning interest on purchasing company shares.My clients are an unmarried couple A and B who have recently purchased shares from A’s father in the family trading company. The...
More than three million of the ten million people who complete a tax return each year do not pay the full amount of tax.The findings are revealed in a new research briefing by Dr Arun Advani of the...
With less than a year until IR35 reform is extended to the private sector, many contractors say that independent reviews hold the key to accurate status decisions, according to research carried out by...
The tax collected by HMRC from investigations into taxpayers with offshore assets and income exceeded £560m in 2018-19.According to data obtained by Access Financial under a Freedom of...
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