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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration
If a picture paints a thousand words, asks REBECCA CAVE, is it a good or a service?
Problems with question 6 of the P35 employers annual return
There was a strange silence on the subject of income shifting in the Budget speech. ANDREW HUBBARD puts on his deerstalker hat and investigates the reason for this. Why was no warning given?
Dragonfly Consulting Ltd (SpC 655)
First Word Software Ltd (SpC 652)
M K M Computing Ltd (SpC 653)
Banking taper relief for partners.
KEVIN MILLER tackles the latest developments on managed service companies
JOHN T NEWTH FCA, FTII, FIIT, ATT summarises a recent VAT tribunal case.
NEIL WARREN considers the VAT issues facing UK businesses that provide services to overseas customers
Are big businesses and small businesses taxed in a completely different way? JOHN NEWTH suggests that they just might be
I operate a personal service company which is outside the scope of the IR35 rules. There are generally very few expenses and these are usually paid for personally with subsequent reimbursement by the company (and a P11D entry, where appropriate).
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