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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration


By Tom Wesel and Gerald Montagu; £338
PETE MILLER looks at Budget 2010 and measures of interest to the corporate sector generally
System demands reform, claims BDO partner
Kellogg Brown & Root Holdings UK (Ltd) v CRC, Court of Appeal
Replaces Revenue & Customs Brief 29/09
Survey suggests significant growth in 2008/09
Proposed legislation increases scope of regime introduced in FA 2009
Document sets out tax policy framework
The claim that poor countries lose $160 billion in tax from ‘transfer mispricing’ has been repeated endlessly. MIKE TRUMAN finds it hard to justify
Legislation backdated to October 2007
JD Wetherspoon plc (TC312)
KEN MOODY considers the loan relationship rules and their application to connected party debt
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