A radical new approach to address high-profile tax avoidance
HMRC have published a consultation document aimed at strengthening the code of practice on the taxation of banks, which has been adopted by 262 organisations since its introduction in 2009.
The condoc describes the approach expected of banks with regard to governance, tax planning and engagement with the Revenue, and discusses how the long-term effectiveness of the enhanced code can be ensured.
HMRC issues CT600 reminder
CRC v Marks & Spencer plc, Supreme Court
HMRC’s double taxation treaty passport (DTTP) scheme operates for overseas corporate lenders and applies to loans taken out on or after 1 September 2010. Two main changes have been made with effect from April 2013:
A careful look at the changes to the taxation of loans to participators and other extractions of value from close companies
The Treasury is consulting on how to provide additional funding through the tax system to support digital media production in the UK, including the visual effects sector. The government is keen to learn more about:
A client carried on a business through a “one-man” limited company, which has ceased trading but has retained profits. Because he is liable to higher rate tax in retirement, he proposes to gift the shares to his wife to enable her to draw dividends
Attack on schemes threatens growth, warns tax expert
"UK should stretch its lead over other business-friendly economies"
Looking forward to the next few years of online filing with iXBRL
Risky Business (TC2408)