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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration

Issue: Vol 160, Issue 4138

13 Dec 2007
MICK RUSE discusses market value and information standards when valuing minority holdings of unquoted shares
There is a case for a statutory test of residence, asserts OWEN CLUTTON, in an article written before the latest consultation document was issued
ADAM RYCROFT looks at the current and prospective rules for Lennartz accounting
DAVID BOWES takes a further look at the share valuation issues raised by Mike Thexton in his article 'Damn the torpedoes'
Correspondence from readers on topical subjects: CGT catastrophe; PAYE penalties
Structure of new property development on existing site
A potentially novel use of an IOU in estate planning.
Is the recruitment fee for finding a new partner a capital expense?
One of my clients trades as a limited company, employing 20 staff. The company has recently hired a box for the season at a premier division football club and has asked me about the various tax issues...
Reviewed by Rebecca Cave, director Taxwriter Ltd
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