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Residence & domicile

CIOT and CBI call for 12-month deferral
There will be no major giveaways, Grant Thornton forecasts
Have the latest tax proposals simply taken us back to a place where we were last year or has progess been made? FRANCESCA LAGERBERG makes some route-planning suggestions
MIKE TRUMAN points the way to the exit for aggrieved non-domiciles
Reform 'will cause exodus' of south-Asian taxpayers
MIKE TRUMAN tries to calculate how many trees will die this year for the greater glory of tax legislation.
HMRC have clarified certain points in the residence and domicile consultation
Those with investments held in offshore trusts most vulnerable, warns PKF
Elections when two residences are available seem to cause problems. RICHARD CURTIS considers some aspects and possible solutions
Comment on the latest provisions that will make a series of changes to current rules
If a group of disparate professionals cannot agree on residence and non-domicile tax issues, what hope is there for sensible legislation, asks ALLISON PLAGER
Low-income groups face a 'bureaucratic nightmare', claims LITRG
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