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RICHARD CURTIS reviews the 21st and 22nd sittings of the Public Bill Committee's deliberations on Finance Bill 2008
Even for non-domiciliaries with quite straightforward financial affairs, the new remittance rules are monstrously complicated and opaque, warns SIMON MCKIE
The potentially confusing issue of residence in the UK is explored by JOHN CULLINANE
Kennedy agrees to consider idea in Finance Bill debate
Support for 'legitimate role going offshore can play'
Capital's execs blast non-dom rules
Jobs, property prices and London are all factors
Sub-committee says nation's competitiveness could suffer
MALCOLM GUNN FTII, TEP offers help for clients pleading, 'no tax please, we're not British!'
PHILLIP DEARDEN casts his eye over the proposed new rules affecting offshore trusts
Lib Dems applauded for move to alter Finance Bill
Recent changes to the tax system do not give RICHARD MANNION much confidence in the way that tax legislation is made
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