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Residence & domicile

D Farquhar (TC532)
What does the future hold for non-domiciliary tax, asks LISA SPEARMAN
How has the revamped regime for non-domiciliaries settled in? RICHARD HOLME and PAULA BASLEIGH find out
Hankinson (TC319)
Karim (TC306)
MATT GREENE considers the implications for residence in the Turberville case
Days can be disregarded by non-residents
Minister announces non-dom figures for 2008/09
PG Turberville (TC381)
CHRISTOPHER STONE explains the implications of Gaines-Cooper v HMRC for non-residence
A Croatian domiciled but UK resident taxpayer owns a property in Croatia that is let. Her mother has a power of attorney, receives the rental income, declares this personally and pays Croatian tax on this income
Statement extended by 12 months
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