The future was the focus of two tax events during the Labour party conference
A new digital service for taxpayers in the PAYE system is set to be launched in April 2014 – and HMRC are looking for people willing to help with testing.
The department wants the help of workers with business vehicles and employers who have staff with company cars: the initial version of the service enables users to tell the Revenue about changes to company vehicles and fuel benefits.
Email an application to take part, including business location in the subject box.
Eclipse Generic Ltd (TC2662)
Comprehensive Management Consultants Ltd (TC2652)
The Revenue’s full online suite of benefit and expense forms is now available, enabling employers to submit forms P11D, P9D and P11D(b).
Firms have had access since April to digital versions of No Return of Class 1a National Insurance Contributions and Notification of Payrolled Benefits, and can now create amended forms P11D, P9D and P11D(b) and generate forms P11D and P11D(b) for expenses and benefits th at have been part payrolled.
Latest Agent Update available
Injection of £200m expected to help cut department costs
Making the most of HMRC’s greatly improved digital VAT services
D Jones (TC2663)
New online tool should be approached with caution, says tax barrister