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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration
PTP conference: 'Employment: Taxes, Law and Enquiries', 7 September 2006. Reported by Rebecca Cave, director of Taxwriter Ltd.

The Chartered Institute of Taxation Finance Bill conference, 14 June 2006. Reported by JOHN HIDDLESTON of Vantis Tax Limited

Speakers quoted:

LexisNexis Conference: 'Tax Avoidance in 2006', 15 May 2006. The second instalment of points reported by Matthew Hutton, Chartered Tax Adviser.

Speakers quoted:
Patrick Cannon, Barrister, 15 Old Square
Pete Miller, Director, National Tax, Ernst & Young LLP
Paul Morton, Head of Group Tax, Reed Elsevier
Martin Scammell, Partner, Ernst & Young LLP
Geoff Lloyd, Director, Central Compliance at HMRC
Timothy Lyons QC, Barrister, 15 Old Square

LexisNexis Conference: 'Tax Avoidance in 2006', 15 May 2006, reported by Matthew Hutton, Chartered Tax Adviser

Speakers quoted:
Patrick Cannon, Barrister, 15 Old Square
Pete Miller, Director, National Tax, Ernst & Young LLP
Paul Morton, Head of Group Tax, Reed Elsevier
Martin Scammell, Partner, Ernst & Young LLP
Geoff Lloyd, Director, Central Compliance at HMRC
Timothy Lyons QC, Barrister, 15 Old Square

VAT conference held jointly by Essex Court Chambers and Pump Court Tax Chambers.

Reported by KEITH GORDON MA, ACA, CTA, barrister.

Speakers quoted:

Further snippets from the TaxAid conference: 'Employment issues: Minimising costs, maximising benefits', 28 April 2006, reported by Rebecca Cave, director of Taxwriter Ltd.
Speakers quoted:

  • Rebecca Benneyworth FCA, tax lecturer.

  • Lesley Fidler CTA, head of Baker Tilly's Employer Consulting Group.

  • John Mangan CTA, senior manager with PricewaterhouseCoopers' Human Resource Practice.

  • Andrew Gotch CTA(fellow), tax lecturer and specialist tax adviser.

TaxAid conference 'Employment issues: Minimising costs, maximising benefits', 28 April 2006
TaxAid conference: Tax Planning at 50 plus (24.2.06)
The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) — Autumn Tax Update, 14 November 2005, reported by RALPH RAY CTA (Fellow), Solicitor, TEP, BSc(Econ).
Tolley Practical Tax Investigations, 6 October 2005; Tolley Practical Tax Investigations, 6 October 2005, reported by JOHN T NEWTH FCA, FTII, FIIT, ATT.
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