What is the point in having concessions if nobody knows about them? BARRY BRAIM exhorts Customs to spill the beans.
'EXTRA-STATUTORY CONCESSIONS are remissions of revenue that allow relief in specific sets of circumstances to all traders falling within the relevant conditions. They are authorised when strict application of the law would create a disadvantage or the effect would not be the one intended.'
BARRY BRAIM discusses the proposals relating to a flat rate VAT scheme for small businesses.
A CONSULTATION EXERCISE seeking the views of businesses and representative bodies on the effects and level of the United Kingdom's VAT registration threshold was announced by the Chancellor as part of the 1998 Budget. This followed representations made to HM Customs and Excise that the high threshold distorted competition between registered and unregistered businesses.
BARRY BRAIM looks at recent developments which will impact upon the VAT treatment of supplies involving motor vehicles and motoring expenses.
MOTOR VEHICLE DEALERS and businesses generally will be affected by a number of recent developments relating to the treatment of supplies of motor vehicles and motoring expenses.