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This week's opinion: 6 February 2025

03 February 2025 / Andrew Hubbard
Issue: 4971 / Categories: Comment & Analysis
Mentors – an invaluable influence for many

Who has had the greatest influence on your tax career? Have you thanked them for making an impact on your professional and personal development?

There is another way in which you can show your appreciation. A couple of years ago we introduced a new category, ‘tax mentor of the year’, into Tolley’s Taxation Awards. This generated a great deal of interest and we are running it again for 2025. We have made the nomination process as simple as possible. Go to and simply say who you want to nominate and give us a brief summary of why you think they should win. There is no need to get the permission of the person that you are putting forward. When we select the shortlist we ask the person’s permission before their name is published – so far, nobody has said no.

I know from my own experience just how important mentors can be in shaping somebody’s development. The best mentors have that rare ability to see the best in you, to guide you through difficult times, to encourage you to exceed your own expectations and, sometimes, to have a frank discussion when you are heading down the wrong path. I’ve been helped along the way at several points in my career and I’d like to think that I, in turn, have passed some of that learning on to others.

I always enjoy reading what people have said about the person that they are nominating. There have been some very moving accounts of how a particular mentor has helped somebody at a critical time in their development – of course, we don’t break any confidences when we are making the award. So do think about putting somebody forward. It is the least that you can do after everything that they have done for you.

If you do one thing…

Review the new HMRC guidance on the multinational and domestic top-up taxes (

Issue: 4971 / Categories: Comment & Analysis
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