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This week's opinion: 20 March 2025

17 March 2025 / Andrew Hubbard
Issue: 4977 / Categories: Comment & Analysis
Big rewards planned for whistleblowers.

The exchequer secretary to the Treasury’s announcement of the proposal to introduce a US-style system of rewards for those who provide information about tax defaulters has not surprisingly created a fair amount of press interest (see The scheme will be targeted – according to the Treasury press release – towards those who provide information about serious non-compliance by large corporates wealthy individuals and those involved in offshore matters or avoidance schemes. This didn’t stop one newspaper headlining an article about the announcements ‘HMRC plans US-style reward scheme for taxpayers who snitch on family members.’

I recall from my days in the Inland Revenue that the anonymous letters box was a source of entertainment on a boring Friday afternoon but rarely gave much solid information. People often wrote out of spite and were reluctant to provide any detail beyond ‘you should investigate X: she’s been fiddling her...

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