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OTS proposals to simplify inheritance tax

30 July 2019 / Helen Lewis
Issue: 4706 / Categories: Comment & Analysis
Overcome by complexity

Key points

  • The Office of Tax Simplification review of inheritance tax is in two parts with the latest published in July.
  • It make 11 recommendations broken down into four sections.
  • Is it necessary to reform the gifts out of normal expenditure exemption?
  • The loss of the capital gains tax uplift on death would complicate tax planning but is hard to fault on logic.
  • Grossing up and the residence nil rate band were put on the ‘too difficult’ pile.
  • The OTS overegged inheritance tax’s complexity.

In January 2018 the Chancellor of the Exchequer requested that the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) carry out a review of inheritance tax to identify simplification opportunities.

In the event the task proved a momentous one. The OTS said there was an ‘unprecedented level of engagement’ which included nearly 3 000 responses to an online survey 500 emails and 100 written responses possibly driven by what the OTS described as inheritance...

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