With a nod and considerable sympathy to all parents who have had to endure home schooling during the pandemic here is an interesting and possibly unwelcome fact.
William Pitt the Elder (prime minister 1766 to 1768) was educated at Eton Trinity College Oxford and the University of Utrecht. While acknowledging the scholastic merits of those august institutions they were nonetheless inferior to what the Elder had planned for his son William Pitt the Younger. Nothing but the best for the Younger so it had to be home schooling.
Given the significant achievements of the Younger (prime minister 1783 to 1801 and 1804 to 1806) as compared to his father it is arguable that a privileged education might well be a handicap to becoming a competent and respected politician. Which leads me neatly on to Pitt the Younger’s 1799 Act.
Birth of the remittance basis...
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