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HMRC’s tax evasion problem

17 March 2025 / Niall Hearty
Issue: 4977 / Categories: Comment & Analysis , evasion , PAC , Admin , Policy
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Evasion problem

The true scale of tax evasion is being hugely underestimated due to gaps in the system enabling it to go undetected. That’s the main – and most disappointing – thrust of the latest report from the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) (see ‘Tax evasion in the retail sector’ In what could be taken as a stinging criticism of current HMRC activity the committee says there is now a need for both a clear strategy to tackle tax evasion and increased powers for public bodies to address fraud.

It is not a wild guess to say that HMRC probably thought it already had a tax evasion strategy in place. But PAC’s argument centres on what it sees as HMRC’s underestimation of the level of tax evasion and a supposed lack of curiosity when it comes to investigating the issue. It is a problem fuelled according to...

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