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Government review of the loan charge

16 September 2019 / Richard Curtis
Issue: 4712 / Categories: Comment & Analysis
Between a rock and a hard place

Key points

  • The government announces a review of the loan charge.
  • The review will be by the former chief executive and comptroller and auditor general of the National Audit Office.
  • Further guidance will be issued if liabilities change.
  • Taxpayers should continue to take action as previously advised.
  • Could better explanation and presentation have eased the implementation of the loan charge?

I know it shouldn’t be the case but it strikes me that so much in life is all about presentation. Want to get a job? Get yourself washed hair (if you’ve still got some) brushed booted and suited and arrive on time – then you’re probably halfway there. It often occurred to me when in practice that I could give the same advice dressed in jeans and a Grateful Dead T-shirt or a suit and tie but I have a suspicion that I’d be more likely to...

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