1 August 2020
- Payment of corporation tax liabilities for periods ended 31 October 2019 if not liable to pay by instalments.
Outstanding 2018-19 self-assessment tax returns now subject to a penalty of £300 or 5% of tax due, whichever is higher.
2 August 2020
- Filing date for form P46(Car) for quarter ended 5 July 2020.
5 August 2020
- Quarterly report by employment intermediaries for period 6 April to 5 July 2020.
7 August 2020
- Due date for VAT return and payment for 30 June 2020 quarter (electronic payment).
14 August 2020
- Quarterly corporation tax instalment payment for large companies.
Monthly EC sales list if paper returns used.
19 August 2020
- Pay PAYE/construction industry scheme for month ended 5 August 2020 if by cheque.
- File monthly CIS return.
21 August 2020
- Online monthly EC sales list.
Intrastat – supplementary declarations for July 2020.
22 August 2020
- PAYE/National Insurance/student loan payments if paid online.
31 August 2020
- Companies House should have received accounts of private companies with 30 November 2019 year end.
- Companies House should have received accounts of public limited companies with 28 February 2020 year end.
- Corporate tax self-assessment returns for accounting periods ended 31 August 2020.
- Annual adjustment for VAT partial exemption claims, May year end.