As readers of my articles will know I frequently attend tax tribunals to observe tax cases – partly for continuing professional development purposes but mainly edification. I find the whole court process thoroughly enlightening and eye opening.
Having worked at Kraft Foods for about 13 years as head of tax and treasury I also find VAT on food interesting. Probably my favourite legislation is VATA 1994 Sch 8 group 1 and the triple negatives found with general items excepted items and items overriding the excepted items. Never was there more convoluted legislation.
Earlier this year I sat through part of the WM Morrison Supermarkets plc (TC8087) appeal. The decision was released in April.
The key elements of the legislation in VATA 1994 Sch 8 group 1 were summed up by the judge as follows:
‘Zero rating of goods or service was...
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