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Making gifts with reservation of benefit

12 July 2017 / Terry Jordan
Issue: 4607 / Categories: Comment & Analysis

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  • Interaction with the various inheritance tax exemptions.
  • Making a gift with reservation of benefit is often worse than doing nothing.
  • Qualifying for agricultural and business property reliefs.
  • Planning points for clients who might take a long-term view.
  • Provisions dropped from the Finance Bill that had been planned to take effect from 6 April 2017.

Do you have a reservation? This is not a greeting by the maître d’ at my local fast-food establishment but rather a consideration of the inheritance tax ‘gifts with reservation of benefit’ provisions.

To put those into their historical context it is interesting to note that from 1894 until 12 March 1975 estates on death were liable to estate duty. This could be avoided as long as lifetime gifts were made seven...

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