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Tax implications in queen’s speech

27 June 2017 / Richard Curtis
Issue: 4605 / Categories: Comment & Analysis

Nightmare scenario

Mum used to tell me that if I ate cheese before going to bed I would have nightmares. Perhaps Theresa May woke up on Friday 9 June thinking that she had suffered a cheese-induced nightmare but it was the morning now and she and the Conservatives were safely – as well as strong and ‘stably’ – ensconced in parliament with a 60-seat majority. After all this was Lord Ashcroft’s prediction just a few days before – in fact the worst-case scenario seemed to be a 40-seat lead so what could go wrong? Lots it turned out.

The good news for me is that the jury still seems to be out on whether cheese does cause bad dreams. The bad news for Theresa is that the jury has returned its verdict and the nightmare scenario general election result wasn’t something that was going to fade...

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