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Action points, issue 4526

10 November 2015
Issue: 4526 / Categories: For Action , Admin

Put your client admin into motion.

  • Tax summaries are being sent to taxpayers to show them how the government spends their tax. If clients contact you about them make sure they know that it is for information only and that neither they nor you have to do anything with them.  
  • It is worth noting from the decision in Coin-a-drink Ltd that businesses that are entitled to a VAT repayment made under a mistake-based restitution claim are likely to find that HMRC will charge corporation tax on the repayment and interest.   
  • Tax practitioners should ensure that they are fully cognizant of the rules relating to HMRC’s rights and powers specifically with regards to penalties. A client can only be penalised for their own mistakes not those of their agents.  
  • Close companies considering the use of a medical benefit trust...

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