The First-tier Tribunal hears for the first time from a client of Christopher Lunn & Co
While Taxation has reported in the past on the judicial review and criminal cases concerning Christopher Lunn & Co (CLAC) these have only had a tangential relevance to how their clients would be dealt with if they came before the tribunal.
The first (so far as I am aware) tribunal case has now been heard: Harriet Sheard TC04027.
CLAC was raided by HMRC in 2010. It applied successfully for judicial review against a decision by the Revenue to cease dealing with it as an agent in November 2010 but HMRC subsequently renewed the decision in July 2011.
A prosecution of Christopher Lunn on six counts of cheating the public revenue ended with him being acquitted on two and the jury unable to come to a verdict on the remaining four.
During both the judicial review and criminal cases a great deal...
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