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In the frame

08 January 2013
Issue: 4385 / Categories: Forum & Feedback , Business , Income Tax , VAT
The business of a professional photographer is to be incorporated to avoid a VAT liability on holiday lettings as a result of the combined business income

I am considering the incorporation of a professional photographer in order to reduce his tax liability on profits and to stop his income from a holiday letting from being subject to VAT.

He currently has a substantial portfolio of photographs from which he continues to earn. I can see some practical issues that need to be considered and I am hoping that readers can let me have their thoughts.

First I recall reading somewhere that everything derived from an artist’s personal skill is taxed as income.

If this also applies to a photographer this would prevent him selling the portfolio to the company and having a capital gain. Is this correct?

Second if this is correct then presumably he will have to clearly identify this portfolio of photographs and then create a separate portfolio of work created by the company subsequent to incorporation and which will...

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