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Lost wages

06 July 2010
Issue: 4262 / Categories: Forum & Feedback , Employment Income Manual , ITEPA , Income Tax
A professional footballer was an employee of a club in financial difficulties. The payment of his salary for March 2010 was delayed and was not received and taxed under PAYE until April

My client is a professional footballer. Regrettably his club got into financial difficulties last year and had serious cashflow difficulties. As a result of those problems the wages of my client and his colleagues were paid late.

He has provided me with the information to enable me to prepare his 2010 tax return including his form P60. The wages figure paid for the year did not seem to tie up with his contractual entitlement and when I questioned this he explained that the March salary was not paid until April.

In fact it seems that there was some considerable doubt in March whether he would actually be paid at all.

Ultimately the March salary was paid and taxed in April; the problem is that at the level of remuneration of my client the March salary will have suffered tax at 50% rather than the 40%...

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