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Declare or not?

12 January 2010
Issue: 4238 / Categories: Forum & Feedback
A UK citizen who has been resident in the USA for many years inherits land, bank accounts and shareholdings in the UK

My client was born in England but left to live in the USA in the early 1980s. She has recently inherited UK assets which produce UK source income. This comprises rental income from a UK property and also interest and dividends from a UK investment portfolio.

I am trying to establish what income she has to include on her self assessment tax return.

My understanding of the UK/US double tax agreement is that the rental income and dividends are taxable in the UK but the interest is not liable to UK tax. However my research is finding conflicting views.

If a source of income is not taxable I am not clear if reference needs to be made on the tax return to it having been excluded in the white space for example.

I would welcome advice from readers about the correct tax treatment of the client’s...

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