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Taxpayers' charter given go-ahead

24 November 2008
Categories: News , PBR 2008 , Pre-Budget Report 2008 , Taxpayers charter , Admin
Document will have statutory grounding

The mooted taxpayers' charter will be launched by HMRC next year, the Government has revealed.

A clause giving explicit legislative authority to the charter will be included in the 2009 Finance Bill, following a second consultation document, launched in January, focusing on the charter's wording.

An important complement to the review of HMRC's powers is a clear statement of the principles governing [the Revenue's] relationship with citizens and businesses,' according to the Pre-Budget Report.
The Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) welcomed the news that the charter will be going ahead - and especially the commitment that it should be in statute.

The CIOT has long been a supporter of such document to act a safeguard for taxpayers and a balance to the extension of HMRC's powers.

The institute's president, Nick Goulding, remarked that a grounding in statute is 'vital to give [the charter] the proper authority'.

John Whiting of PricewaterhouseCoopers was also pleased with the PBR's announcement.

He said: 'It is good... that the Government has taken on board the strong messages that came out in [the first] consultation, including the need for the charter to have its vires in statute, the need for it to spell out taxpayers' appeal rights, and for it to be an accessible, usable document'.

Visit the Taxpayers Charter campaign website.

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