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HMRC announces fix to SA fault

28 July 2008
Categories: News , Admin
Requests to reduce payments on account 'will be processed ASAP'

HMRC have repaired the fault that since 6 April had hampered the processing of requests to reduce self-assessment (SA) payments on account.

In a written apology, the Revenue stated that taxpayers who made requests prior to 15 July, when the problem was rectified, will have received confirmation of receipt.

The department then added that all such requests are being held securely and will be processed 'as soon as possible'.

Taxpayers do not need to re-submit requests, said HMRC, but if they do not wish to wait for their original request to be processed they can complete a duplicate request in the normal way, and it will be processed within 48 hours.

The Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) suggested that in view of this week's 31 July due date for second SA installments, CIOT members may wish to consider making fresh applications if the originals were made between 6 April and 15 July and have not yet been processed.

Categories: News , Admin
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