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HMRC launch instant news feed

23 July 2008
Categories: News , Admin
Online services enhanced for agents; IE7 fix

HMRC have made a number of enhancements to their online service, in an effort to give tax agents greater access to important information and advice.

The department today launched an instant news alert service. Users can subscribe free of charge via an RSS feed, such as Google Reader, to be automatically notified of the latest Revenue bulletins aimed at agents and advisers.

HMRC have also revamped their dedicated web pages for agents in the hope of making them a more useful tool.

Finally, the Revenue has updated its online Freedom of Information (FoI) guidance to make it easier for visitors to search for data already published by the department - and discover what won't be revealed by HMRC.

It also offers a guide to making a FoI request and the public's rights under the Freedom of Information Act, and it lists all requests so far received.

In related news, a number of users of Internet Explorer (IE) 7 are experiencing a problem when they choose to view statements on the HMRC site. They find that the PDFs do not open. 

The department's helpdesk has suggested the following fix:

  • In IE go to Tools >> Internet Options >> Advanced
  • Scroll down to Security (near the bottom)
  • Tick the box 'Do not save encrypted pages to disk'
  • Click 'Apply', and then click 'OK'
Categories: News , Admin
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