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Unwanted paper

20 May 2008
Issue: 4159 / Categories: Forum & Feedback
From Ridley, Marreco & Co

No doubt one of your more erudite subscribers will be able to enlighten me on this somewhat frustrating subject.

Each year I advise our limited company clients to pay their corporation taxes as close to the due date as possible.

The reason for this is that if they pay it in any degree early we — being the registered office — receive a cheque for interest amounting to anything from £1 to £10. A few days later we receive a form R1000 telling us that we will be receiving this cheque.

Why is the HMRC computer programmed in this way when individuals do not receive an interest supplement for early payment?

Surely the cost of implementing such puny refunds far exceeds the benefit to anyone.

Of course, we the agents are hardly in a position to charge our clients for forwarding these cheques to them and filing two unwanted sheets of paper.

Issue: 4159 / Categories: Forum & Feedback
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