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Capital contributions Brief issued

05 February 2008
Issue: 4144 / Categories: News , Admin , Capital Gains
HMRC clarify practice in relation to the treatment for capital gains purposes of a contribution of an asset to a partnership

HMRC have issued a Brief clarifying their practice in relation to the treatment for capital gains purposes of a contribution of an asset to a partnership.

Statement of Practice D12 sets out HMRC's understanding of how the legislation concerning the tax treatment of partnerships works in practice, although it does not deal with the situation where a partner contributes an asset to a partnership by means of a capital contribution.

In this respect, HMRC consider that the partner in question has made a part disposal of the asset equal to the fractional share that passes to the other partners.

The market value rule would apply if the transfer is between connected persons or the transaction is other than by way of a bargain made at arm's length.

Otherwise, the consideration to be taken into account will be a proportion of the total consideration given by the partnership for the asset. That proportion will be equal to the fractional share of the asset passing to the other partners.

HMRC believe that a sum credited to the partner's capital account represents consideration for the disposal of the asset to the partnership.

Although the situation is similar in some respects to a change in partnership sharing ratios, it is not possible to calculate the disposal consideration on a capital contribution by reference to paragraph 4 of Statement of Practice D12, as the asset in question would not have a balance sheet value in the partnership accounts.

It has been HMRC's practice, however, to accept the apportionment of allowable costs on a fractional basis as provided for in paragraph 4, rather than by reference to the statutory A/A+B formula.

A gain will arise on a contribution of an asset where the disposal consideration, calculated by reference to a fractional proportion of the total consideration or, in appropriate cases, a proportion of the market value of the asset, exceeds the allowable costs based on a fraction of the partner's capital gain base costs.

HMRC note that in the past individual HMRC officers may have wrongly applied paragraph 4 more widely than was justified where an asset was contributed to a partnership.

They apologise if this has resulted in a misunderstanding of HMRC practice in this area, saying that 'these previous applications of Statement of Practice D12 were incorrect and inconsistent with statements made by other HMRC officers.

'We will consider ourselves bound by statements made in individual cases. In cases where we are not bound, including all future cases, the correct treatment as described above will be applied'.

Issue: 4144 / Categories: News , Admin , Capital Gains
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