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Uncertain incorporation

26 September 2007
Issue: 4127 / Categories: Forum & Feedback
I was a sole practitioner until 31 October 2002 when my business became incorporated. At that point, the goodwill was sold to the company for £225,000, which I think may be a little high.

My question is whether I can write off the goodwill against tax assuming that it is free goodwill. As I have not done this to date is it possible to start now? Alternatively in view of the goodwill valuation should I leave things alone and not claim?

As a final question is it possible to revalue the goodwill now?

I look forward to readers' views.

Query T17 083 — Goody

Reply from Thicket:

To find the answer to this question we need to look at the commencement and transitional provisions within the corporate intangibles rules. These are found in paras 117 onwards in FA 2002 Sch 29. The goodwill in the company will be an intangible asset and will have been acquired from a related party since a participator is within this definition (para 95(1) Case Three (a)).

Paragraph 118(1)(c) tells us...

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