- TCGA 1992 s 16A is likely to catch many ordinary tax planning transactions.
- HMRC's relevant guidance is inaccurate. * The legislation should be amended to restrict it to artificial transactions.
- Advisers cannot rely on the guidance.
- Use of white space in tax return to disclose a loss that is not allowable under the relevant legislation.
'When I use a word' Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less'. Finance Act 2007 s 27 inserted a new s 16A into TCGA 1992 providing that a person's loss is not an allowable loss if:
'(a) it accrues to the person directly or indirectly in consequence of or otherwise in connection with any arrangements and
(b) the main purpose or one...
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