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EU news

09 February 2005
Issue: 3994 / Categories: News
European Commission press release STAT/05/15 dated 28 January 2005


EU tax burden

In 2003, the overall tax burden in the EU stood at 41.5% of gross domestic product, compared to 41.3% in 2002. Sweden had the highest ratio at 51.4%, while the UK's ratio was 37.1. As a percentage of the total tax burden, the UK's direct taxes were among the highest at 42%, pipped only by Denmark with 59.6%. With regard to social security contributions as a percentage of the total tax take, the percentage in the UK is 21% and is the third lowest, while the highest is Germany with 44.4%.

The figures come from Tax revenue in EU Member States: Trend, level and structure 1995-2003, issued by Eurostat, the statistical office of the EC.


Issue: 3994 / Categories: News
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