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A Business Proposal

01 July 2004 / Malcolm Gunn
Issue: 3964 / Categories: Comment & Analysis
MALCOLM GUNN FTII, TEP, tax consultant with Haarmann Hemmelrath, offers a means of transferring an investment portfolio within a family free of inheritance tax liability

‘BUSINESS IS BUSINESS’ is one of those irritating little sayings people come out with which actually says nothing worth knowing at all. It is a bit like ‘whatever will be will be!’ – well obviously it is going to be or it wouldn’t be at all in the first place would it? Then there’s ‘boys will be boys’; I had better call a halt before my irritation meter gets into the red zone.

Unfortunately I am going to borrow one of these phrases to point out that for inheritance tax purposes business really is business and readers should not be swayed otherwise by the Capital Taxes Office. Some might be surprised that there is any arguable point in this topic but read on and the bone of contention will soon become apparent.

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