TaxFact briefings
Iris Software is holding a series of four autumn tax briefings in November. An Inland Revenue representative will outline why accountants should consider e-services, with particular emphasis on filing by Internet, and the Tax Faculty's Frank Haskew will discuss who can benefit from incorporation. The dates and venues are:
5 November - Hendon
14 November - Birmingham
20 November - Glasgow
27 November - Leeds
TaxFact briefings
Iris Software is holding a series of four autumn tax briefings in November. An Inland Revenue representative will outline why accountants should consider e-services, with particular emphasis on filing by Internet, and the Tax Faculty's Frank Haskew will discuss who can benefit from incorporation. The dates and venues are:
5 November - Hendon
14 November - Birmingham
20 November - Glasgow
27 November - Leeds
The attendance fee is £19.95, and further information can be obtained by calling 01753 212444.
TaxAid is holding a Tax Essentials morning conference on 29 November 2002 at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London SW1.
The topics to be covered are relief for losses, Inland Revenue enquiries, VAT and small businesses, and the capital gains tax main residence exemption. The speakers are Simon Birkett, Michael Reader, Michael Steed and Mike Thexton.
The registration fee is £150 plus VAT, or £130 plus VAT if booking before 15 November. Further details are available by calling 020 7803 4950, or e-mailing