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Tax conventions

30 October 2000
Issue: 3781 / Categories:
A new comprehensive double taxation convention between the United Kingdom and Norway was signed in London on 12 October.
The Revenue is about to begin its annual review of the treaty network, covering both double taxation agreements and double (social security) contribution agreements, and would be interested to hear from anyone who has views on:

whether there are any gaps in the double taxation agreement network which need to be filled by means of new treaties;
A new comprehensive double taxation convention between the United Kingdom and Norway was signed in London on 12 October.
The Revenue is about to begin its annual review of the treaty network, covering both double taxation agreements and double (social security) contribution agreements, and would be interested to hear from anyone who has views on:

whether there are any gaps in the double taxation agreement network which need to be filled by means of new treaties;
whether there are any problems with any existing double taxation agreements which might be addressed by a new treaty or a Protocol;
whether there are any gaps in the double contribution agreement network.

Comments should be sent by 25 November to: Jas Sahni, Inland Revenue International, Victory House, 30-34 Kingsway, London WC2B 6ES; e-mail:
Details of the treaty programme for the current year can be found on the Revenue website at:
(Source: Inland Revenue press release dated 17 October 2000.)

Issue: 3781 / Categories:
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