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Where charity ends

17 September 2000
Issue: 3775 / Categories:
Question 15 of the main tax return asks: 'Do you want to claim any of the following reliefs?' and goes on to invite a tick in a 'No' or 'Yes' box. If one answers 'No' one seemingly goes on to question 16. If one answers 'Yes' one is requested to supply monetary details.
Question 15 of the main tax return asks: 'Do you want to claim any of the following reliefs?' and goes on to invite a tick in a 'No' or 'Yes' box. If one answers 'No' one seemingly goes on to question 16. If one answers 'Yes' one is requested to supply monetary details.
We have a client with a low taxable income who nevertheless makes charitable payments under deeds of covenant and under Gift Aid. Because of his low taxable income and high personal allowance (he is over 65), and high married couple's allowance, there is no tax liability on his income if he ticks the 'No' box. A liability does arise, however, if he ticks the 'Yes' box because of tax on the retained charges.
In view of the wording of the question, can he tick the 'No' box?
(Query T15,691) Hope &.. .

Issue: 3775 / Categories:
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