The Taxation team offers a first reaction to the chancellor's tax measures
The Taxation team offers a first reaction to the chancellor's tax measures
Will the general anti-abuse rule provide certainty for taxpayers and advisers?
Methods used by HMRC’s affluent unit to target avoidance and evasion by wealthy individuals
Will the Revenue’s behavioural insight techniques whip taxpayers into shape?
A dormant company owns a one-quarter share in a property. The rest is owned by the company’s shareholder. The property has gained in value and the owner wishes to pass it to his children
A company purchases options to buy property and then sells these on. The company does not develop the property
A limited company intends to purchase a dog that will be used for promotional purposes. The animal will be taken home in the evenings and at weekends by one of the directors
...Pension problem; Land consultant
...ERSS bulletin; Helen Lewis; Second-hand fixtures