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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration

Issue: Vol 159, Issue 4093

1 Feb 2007
RICHARD CURTIS suggests that 'white van man' should think about his private motoring before 6 April.
Recent HMRC research looked into people's perceptions of capital gains tax and why they create trusts. ALLISON PLAGER reports.
Taxation recently held its first round table, with an invited panel of experts to discuss the issue of eco levies
MIKE TRUMAN is nostalgic for the days of a 90-second commute, rather than his current 90 minutes
JAN ELLIS and ANNE MORRISON consider the problems of inheritance tax liabilities faced by A & M trusts.
Correspondence from readers on topical subjects.
The partners in a farming firm have carried through the procedure which has given that firm limited liability (still as a partnership); observing that they have 'converted' the business to a new form....
My client has separated his house into two flats and has given one of them to his two daughters for inheritance tax mitigation reasons. He has been advised to make sure that he retains no benefit in...
I wonder if readers have any suggestions with regards to the following scenario. An acquaintance called at my office the other day. She could perhaps be best described as an information technology...
I act for a client who is a non-UK domiciled individual who is resident, but not ordinarily resident, in the UK for tax purposes. He has a number of overseas workdays and some of his wages are paid...
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