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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration
'Details may prove confusing to targeted individuals'
PHIL BERWICK offers a pro forma letter that advisers can send to clients with regards to the Liechtenstein disclosure facility
CHRIS CHADBURN reviews the National Audit Office report on HMRC’s management of civil tax investigations
New restrictions could stymie initiative, says tax partner
Second joint declaration signed by UK and Liechtenstein
Warning of account-holder exodus to Liechtenstein
Is the Liechtenstein disclosure facility really as good as it looks, asks SIMON AIREY
419 sign-ups not enough, claims law firm
Tax issues faced by two care homes; cost of obtaining loan finance; basis of trust’s ten-year charge calculations; making a disclosure under the LDF
PHILIP FISHER wonders whether the incoming head of the Exchequer would like an extra £20 billion of spending money
23-26 March 2010
Hansard, 8 Feb 2010, vol 505, no 39, col 764W
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