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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration


Land Securities plc v CRC, Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber)

It is time to reconsider the taxation of life insurance bonds

An argument in favour of a broader general anti-abuse rule that applies to HMRC as well as to taxpayers

Will the general anti-abuse rule provide certainty for taxpayers and advisers?

The government is to strengthen legislation to block tax avoidance through offshore intermediaries: corporate forms put between UK workers and a UK business. They are based offshore, often in tax havens, and are used to side-step employment taxes.

HMRC estimate that at least 100,000 workers are being employed in this way and, in many cases, the staff member is unaware that his or her payroll is located offshore and tax is not being paid.

The new compliance and procurement proposals are unimpressive

The new compliance and procurement proposals are unimpressive

The results of our poll on attitudes towards tax avoidance and evasion

Iliffe News & Media Ltd and others (TC2365)

A new slant on the question of whether or not tax avoidance is morally repugnant

Would-be suppliers will have to transparent about their history

Loss relief limited to equivalent of cash contribution

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