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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration

Andrew Hubbard

Andrew Hubbard is editor in chief of Taxation magazine, published by LexisNexis and has a wider editorial role across many Tolley publications. Andrew initially trained as an inspector of taxes before joining the tax profession. He has worked in a ‘big four’ environment and was a partner in BDO Stoy Hayward and then Tenon before becoming a partner at RSM – a role from which he recently stepped down. He is also past president of both the  CIOT and ATT. Email:

Research and development checks – a step too far?
The advantages of instant accountability
Handled any unusual cases recently?
Completing a tax return is never going to be fun
Lack of joined-up thinking at HMRC
What is the solution to HMRC’s problems?
Making tax digital – a wake up call
Effect of DOTAS on the avoidance landscape
‘Smudging it all over’
Key to planning advice is transparency
Congratulations to this year’s award winners
Misuse of confidential information
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