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Tax Advice Week begins 9 June

04 June 2008
Categories: News , Admin
Begins with unveiling of blue plaque where Institute of Taxation

The Chartered Institute of Taxation's Tax Advice Week begins on 9 June. There will be a range of events taking place that aim to ensure a better understanding of the tax system.

This is the third year that the institute has run the week.

The week will begin with a roundtable discussion on green taxes. Speakers will include Michael Meacher MP and representatives from the tax profession as well as HM Treasury.

One of the new CIOT president Nick Goulding's themes is green taxes and the roundtable is part of a programme on this topic.

On the afternoon of 9 June, a blue plaque will be unveiled in the City of London at the location in Pancras Lane, where the Institute of Taxation was founded in 1930.

Categories: News , Admin
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